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Emory Community: Acceptance Brings Confidence
This week we’re diving deep into the campus community at Emory University. Here, diversity goes beyond checking a box for race, religion, or gender, understanding that each student is a unique blend of all of this and so much more. We’ve invited seven current students to share about their community experiences, and we encourage you to read them all here.
Naveed Noordin
Memphis, TN
Chemistry and Sociology double major
Campus Involvement: Oxford and Emory Muslim Students Association, Oxford Hindu Students Association, Oxford Leadership Corp, Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society, Orientation Leader, Cricket Club, Committee for Academic Integrity, Emory Inter-religious Council, Volunteer at Children’s Health Care Outreach, Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society
How did you know that you would fit in at Emory?
The summer before I started here, I was afraid that I would not fit in or be able to make friends. The night before freshman move in, I couldn’t sleep, turning my pillow side to side thinking about if I would find my place at Emory. But from my first day on campus, I started getting a sense of how open and appreciative the community here is. Now I feel so blessed and grateful to be a part of such an engaging, stimulating, appreciative, and diverse Emory community.
How have your multiple, intersecting identities been celebrated on campus?
Coming into Emory, I had a big fear about how my intersecting identities of being a Muslim and an American would be received. I thought I would be the subject of much hostility from my peers. But instead of being the subject of hostility, I have been the subject of much respect, kindness, and so much acceptance. Me and my heritage have been cherished and celebrated. This has given me the courage and confidence to tell someone proudly that I am a Muslim American, something I didn’t have before coming here.
How have you changed because of the Emory community?
Emory’s diversity has made a strong, confident, and engaged person. I have learned how to work with people of different backgrounds and to appreciate diversity even if we don’t share the same opinion. I feel more comfortable in who I am than I ever have before, and I’ve also learned how to appreciate other perspectives.
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