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Faculty Spotlight: Susan Tamasi, Linguistics

We invited a few professors from Emory College to share more about themselves, their program, and what they love about their jobs as professors. Because choosing a college is about finding a community of people who will challenge you both inside and outside of the classroom! Professor Tamasi, the director of the Linguistics department, shared this:

What do you teach at Emory?

Linguistics! The courses that I teach generally deal with the intersections of language and society, such as: History of the American Languages; Language, Mind, & Society; Language Prejudice; Health Communication


Why do you love teaching at Emory University?

What I love most about Emory is the sense of community here, which I’ve been able to experience as both a student and a faculty member. I also love that I have such smart students who challenge me and make me laugh on a daily basis.

Who’s the coolest guest speaker you’ve had in class? The coolest class field trip?

The coolest speaker was Dr. Michael Adams, who talked about his work on the language used in the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. While I love taking students to the High Museum every year, the most interesting outing is when my Language, Gender, & Sexuality class all went to a drag show.


What inspires you to keep teaching?

My students! I know that sounds cliché, but they’re simply fantastic. And they encourage me to look differently at the world (and myself) every semester.

What’s your favorite spot on campus?

The quad on a sunny day. The first time I sat there was when I was 15 years old and considering whether I wanted to come here as a student or not.

Learn more about Susan’s work and research here.

SusanTamasi_PortraitSusan Tamasi
Professor of Pedagogy & Director of Linguistics Program
Hometown: Marietta, GA



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