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Alumni Profile: Alex Kletz, 15B

Alex Kletz graduated from Emory University in 2015, and now works in NYC in Crisis Management. She attributes her current career path to her time in ResLife working as an RA. Hear how her academic and community experiences helped prepare her for where she is today and what advice she would give her senior-in-high-school self.

How did your Emory experiences prepare you for your current job?
[Emory helped me grow] professionally and emotionally. Professionally, I chose my career path in crisis management due to my involvement in Residence Life at Emory. The support from my staff, Professional Staff members, and the community overall pushed me to pursue a career in the Issues and Crises field. Emotionally, Emory provided me with a place to truly find myself and grow. I wouldn’t be as confident in who I am if it wasn’t for the people I met or the organizations I was a part of at Emory.

If you could give advice to yourself as a high school senior, what would you say?

I would tell my pre-Emory self to be open minded. When I first arrived at Emory, I had an idea of what I wanted to study, what organizations I wanted to be a part of, the types of friends I wanted to have, etc. However, my Emory experience taught me to try new things outside of my comfort zone. Pushing myself to see things outside my own perspective allowed me to grow personally—and I owe most of that to working with ResLife, being an RA and the leaders there.

What’s the most important thing you learned in college?

During my time at Emory, I learned that nothing else matters besides winning Songfest at least once!!  (Learn more about Songfest and some of our other quirky traditions.) Longstreet-Means is and will always be the biggest and best hall on campus. #SongfestChamps2014

But all kidding aside, I also learned that loyalty is a trait I strive for personally and that I admire most in others. Emory taught me loyalty to my Hall, loyalty to my friends, loyalty to my family, and loyalty to the organizations to which I dedicated my time.

I learned that passion drives that loyalty—and to that I learned what I was truly passionate about. Learning about loyalty taught me how to be a better friend, student, mentor, and leader. And I owe that all to my Emory experience.

AlexandraKletz_PortraitAlexandra Kletz, 15B
BBA, Strategy & Management Consulting and Marketing
Current city: New York City, NY
Current job: Crisis Management Account Coordinator


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