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Making the Big Decision: What We Wish Someone Would Have Told Us

Choosing where to attend college can be scary. There are a lot of unknowns that no matter how much research you do, you can’t truly find out until you are on campus as a student yourself. Whether it is about the best foods at the Dining Halls, or the best study spots around campus, these are things that just take time to figure out.

Now, as experienced students themselves, we hear what these students wish they would have known while they were making their decisions to enroll at Emory.

Nyah Bruce: Naperville, Illinois

“I wish I knew how supportive all the students would be, especially ones older than me. They were all so excited and willing to help with things like classes, career exploration, and guidance on college life in general. I wish I’d reached out sooner!”


Javian Rojas: New Brunswick, New Jersey

“I wish I knew how receptive everyone would be to any question I had. I was always so scared to sound like I didn’t know what was going on, but the truth is, nobody does! Ask any question that ever pops into your head.”


Roshni Sangani: Los Altos, California

“When I was going through the application process, I wish someone told me about the plethora of leadership opportunities at Oxford College! Since Oxford is complied of first and second year students, any student from the day they arrive on campus can become a leader here on campus through clubs, teams, and academic positions.”


Akash Shanmugam: San Jose, California

“During the college application process, I remember that there were certain factors that you can easily quantify and weigh in your decision – financial aid, program strength, or the alumni network. However, there are some factors that you’ll never truly understand until you walk onto campus – the people, the feel of the buildings, the study spots, the food, the culture. These are small things that seem insignificant, but they are factors that will significantly change your college experience.”


Daijah Mijares: Denver, Colorado

“The college application process can be a mixture of scary and exciting feelings but remember that you’ll end up where you are meant to be! This time around a year ago, I remember feeling so anxious about my future, and now I feel incredibly grateful to have gone through it all. All unknown and new things are scary initially, but don’t let it overwhelm you!”


Rachel Lawrence: Marietta, Georgia

“As a first-generation student, I was intimidated by the college application process. I often wondered if I was qualified enough to even apply to such prestigious schools. My biggest piece of advice to high school students transitioning to higher education is to know your worth as not only a student but a human as well. Your grades or extracurriculars do not define or validate you. You deserve the best education and opportunities available and the college process is simply about finding a great match that can provide you with that!”

Jack Wood: Alexandia, Virginia

“Be prepared to grow. Regardless, of where you choose to attend college, there will be growing pains that come with the experiences of navigating this confusing, scary, and vast world as a young adult. But you’ve got it. Oxford is a place that empowers those who are members of its community. I would not be who I am today without my experiences here. It’s going to be a wild ride, but one that’s well worth it!”



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