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2023 Waitlist Update #1

We would like to provide a comprehensive update on the waitlist activity for Emory College at Emory University. As of May 8, we are pleased to report that the enrolling class at Emory College has met our expected enrollment target and slightly exceeded it. However, we are also aware that changes in plans can occur for deposited students in the coming weeks. This includes gap year requests and other reasons why a small number of students may not end up enrolling in late August 2023. Therefore, we are anticipating enrolling between 50-70 students from the waitlist in the month of May.

The waitlist process at Emory University is initiated on a case-by-case basis, and students who are on the waitlist will be contacted via email if a spot opens up for them in the Fall 2023 semester. It is important for students to ensure that their email addresses are correct and to check their emails regularly. We encourage students to respond promptly if they receive a notification from the Office of Undergraduate Admission. The university will be reviewing the waitlist regularly throughout the summer, as needed, so students are advised to remain patient as they wait for updates on their admission status. The waitlist activity typically concludes in June but can be extended through July, on an as-needed basis.

In the event that students no longer wish to be considered for Fall 2023 enrollment, they may opt to remove themselves from the waitlist at any time by using their applicant portals. We encourage students to do so if they are no longer interested in enrolling. For additional information, students may review the Waitlist FAQs found in their applicant portals.

As we conclude, we would like to extend our warmest wishes to everyone as they prepare for the season of high school examinations and the exciting celebrations that are to come in the following weeks. We hope that all students achieve success in their academic pursuits and enjoy the memorable moments that come with this special time.


Don’t hesitate to connect with us by posting a comment to this blog, following us @emoryadmission, or emailing us at

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Will updates to our applications through the Emory portal be recognized? Or is it that once a student’s profile is reviewed and decided on no admission they don’t get looked at again?

    1. Materials uploaded to the student portal may be reviewed at the discretion of the admission committee during the waitlist enrollment process.  Please carefully review the Waitlist FAQ’s found in the student applicant portal.

  2. What about the Oxford waitlist? I’m in at Emory, but waitlisted at Oxford. I’d love to be in at Oxford and able to open up a spot for someone at Emory…

    1. Oxford has not utilized its wait list at this time. We will keep you informed as updates become available. 

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