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Emory’s Short Answer Questions 2022-23

We are pleased to announce Emory University’s short answer questions for the 2022-2023 first-year application.

In addition to your Personal Statement, please answer two additional short answer questions, one about your academic interests and one to help us get to know you better. We encourage you to be thoughtful in your responses and not stress about what the “right answer” might be, as there really isn’t one.

Academic Interests

This question is required. Your response should be no more than 200 words.

  • What academic areas are you interested in exploring in college?

Getting to Know You

In addition, answer one of the following questions.  Your response should be no more than 150 words.

  • Reflect on a personal experience where you intentionally expanded your cultural awareness.
  • When was the last time you questioned something you had thought to be true?
  • If you could witness a historic event (past, present or future) first-hand, what would it be, and why?
  • Share about a time when you were awestruck.
  • Which book, character, song, monologue, or piece of work (fiction or non-fiction) seems made for you? Why?

Want advice and examples of other great Emory University application essays and Personal Statements? We’ve got you covered! Each year we run a Strong Personal Statements blog series. We share real essays from the previous year’s applicants who were admitted and enrolled at Emory University. Each applicant’s personal statement includes thoughts from the staff who reviewed it and why they felt it was a strong example for you.

We look forward to getting to know you better through your application writing.

Be sure to connect with us by posting a comment to this blog, tweeting us @emoryadmission, or emailing us at Don’t miss out on information about applying to Emory by joining our mailing list.

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This Post Has 34 Comments

  1. Does Emory offers any nursing course?.
    Please if yes, I will really love to know more about it.
    Cause I wanna travel out before this year end.
    Please can you be of help.

    1. Hello, please does Emory offer any ICT related or engineering courses?
      Cause i would love to study a course in that field

  2. Hi, I was just wondering if Emory offers law or any literature in English related course because I aspire to study a course in the field.

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